What is Stopping You from Living Your Dream?
Get Clear on What You Want & Live It Now!
What is Conscious Creation?
Most human beings live their lives in response or reaction to the world, thus allowing external circumstances, events and people to set the direction of their path. The main reason for this, is that most people are not clear on what they actually want, what makes them happy, inspired and at peace. They are "running on automatic".
By becoming really clear what matters to you; you open up your ability to magnetize exactly that into your lived experience.
As human beings, we are powerful beyond our wildest imagination... we have simply forgotten how to consciously create.
By becoming really clear what matters to you; you open up your ability to magnetize exactly that into your lived experience.
- When you know what you like or dislike, it’s much easier to know when to say yes or no.
- When you are clear what no longer serves you, those choices no longer hold any interest for you.
- When you clarify what is missing now, your strong desire will open up new possibilities and opportunities.
As human beings, we are powerful beyond our wildest imagination... we have simply forgotten how to consciously create.
Conscious Creation Video as a tool for a better life.Together we agree on the focal point of your conscious creation video. You can think of it as a modern version of a vision board, infused with imagery, video, affirmations & music. * It can be something very general - for instance "I want to be happy"... making your emotional state the most important. Since the emotional vibratory state plays a big role in what you align with, this is incredibly powerful, as simple as it might seem. * It can also be something very specific, and even detailed - for instance envisioning a new home, in a certain location, size, layout, surroundings, view, coloring etc. * Coming home, awakening to the essence of your being, is a natural consequence of turning within, and you can of course make that the main intent, and let everything else align with That. |

You'll start by going through a Conscious Creation Video Outline, to get clear on your vision; for yourself, your life and this consequently this video.
Once you have the vision for your video clear in your mind's eye, it'll be time to gather all the pieces. You have the option of using any mix of images, videos, text, symbols and audio. These can be general or personal.
Searching for, selecting and putting into order these different elements is a powerful process... one that might even change the direction of your video - and life.
Once you have the vision for your video clear in your mind's eye, it'll be time to gather all the pieces. You have the option of using any mix of images, videos, text, symbols and audio. These can be general or personal.
Searching for, selecting and putting into order these different elements is a powerful process... one that might even change the direction of your video - and life.
Depending on the level of support you decide you want; you'll either be making this gathering and sorting journey on your own, or with our support through email/text support or one-on-one sessions. It's a deeply transformative journey, especially with guidance.
A 3-5 minute video, with support, is included in your package. We build the video. You can upgrade to a longer video and/or more personal support via the Confirm Button below.
A 3-5 minute video, with support, is included in your package. We build the video. You can upgrade to a longer video and/or more personal support via the Confirm Button below.
Take the following steps to get started on your own video:
Get clear on your vision & share it with us via this document. This is the tool to personalize your creation process, so take your time to envision your dream & fill out this document.
Secure the delivery of your video with a confirmation or optional upgrade here. Our advanced package is included in your purchase. You can choose to upgrade with extended personal support.
Please email your completed outline, as well as a link to your material (Dropbox, Google Drive etc.) via Submit button or directly to [email protected]. We'll then set up a time to discuss what's next.
"Eva has the depth of wisdom required to sum up any situation, person, or audience in just a moment, in order to render insights and guidance of the most profound nature. It is truly a blessing to be in her presence and witness her inner light shining so brightly."
"Eva is like a wizard. She gracefully guides you to unlock your own answers. Her coaching has transformed me in profound ways - mostly to bring me home to my heart, where pure presence lives. Everyone should have Eva as their coach. I feel lucky!"
"I remember the first time I met Eva, it was as if a ray of sunshine had entered the room & illuminated it. I have moved into a place of personal power, & manifested incredible things in my life, after my work with Eva. I am forever in her debt for the gifts she has given me!"