Birthdays – just like any other day – can be a celebration, an act of gratitude for this most amazing gift called Life.
Today I celebrate this human form with the given name Eva Charlotte – or Lotta as she used to be called.
50 years ago today that little girl Lotta had her first real birthday party....
Today I celebrate this human form with the given name Eva Charlotte – or Lotta as she used to be called.
50 years ago today that little girl Lotta had her first real birthday party....
She knew how she wanted to feel inside, even though she was not aware of it and couldn’t have verbalized that. She – like any human – wanted to be happy, to feel good about herself.
In her short life she had learned that birthday parties were supposed to be joyous events, which made you feel happy inside - and she was about the have her very own for the first time.
All her friends were there; singing, playing, eating…with her mamma swirling around, taking care of everything and pappa was over there, quiet as usual, in his lounger.
But something was terribly wrong. This was not a happy event. This did not feel good at all. Everyone seemed to be having fun… but Lotta could feel that they were not being authentic, they were not happy. She wasn’t happy either. What was wrong? What was she doing wrong? She couldn’t figure it out.
Life continued, many years passed, bringing all kinds of life experiences. Lotta grew up and was successful in anything she set her mind to. She became and expert in creating the external circumstances she had learned were important; wealth, power, success, traveling the world and even a fulfilling personal life.
Still, sitting in a board room with these highly successful men and women, she would feel just like she had done at her 6th year birthday party… everyone is pretending, very few are truly happy.
So life opened up a new path, an inward path, with spiritual masters across the world. Lotta explored them all, growing and learning as she went. She got to play at the top level of this world as well… and yes this was different. Here many truths were spoken; awareness of us creating our reality, carrying our early conditioning, we’re not our human form and many more.
This world was more vibrant, joy and love were present… but still there was dissonance. Still, somehow this world too was dependent on outer circumstances; human beings still seeking their inner state of being in the reflection of the life they now knew how to consciously create.
Eva Charlotte had said many times throughout her years of speaking and teaching in the spiritual world…‘Imagine that when you walk out this door, the world as you know it has changed. Everything that you consider part of your life is gone… everything. Where does that leave you? What do you feel, think, do? Who are you when everything that defines you is gone?’
One day she got to experience that for herself… life as she knew it was gone in an instant. This led her to go deeply inward, to a place beyond the human form, where the outer circumstances were completely irrelevant and every vibrational state of being was available – by choice.
The little 6 year old girl had finally found her answer. She is and always was the happiness she was looking for. She can bring forth her joy, sadness, anger, love or any other vibration at any time… it has nothing to do with what is going on around her.
Are you willing to “loose everything”, in order to feel peace inside?
It does not mean we have to loose it all… it’s the acceptance of was IS, that matters… and for some of us stubborn human beings, it’s hard to reach acceptance without an external experience that is so overwhelming that it feels like there is nothing we can do… and when the mental desire for control is released, there it is… Peace.
In her short life she had learned that birthday parties were supposed to be joyous events, which made you feel happy inside - and she was about the have her very own for the first time.
All her friends were there; singing, playing, eating…with her mamma swirling around, taking care of everything and pappa was over there, quiet as usual, in his lounger.
But something was terribly wrong. This was not a happy event. This did not feel good at all. Everyone seemed to be having fun… but Lotta could feel that they were not being authentic, they were not happy. She wasn’t happy either. What was wrong? What was she doing wrong? She couldn’t figure it out.
Life continued, many years passed, bringing all kinds of life experiences. Lotta grew up and was successful in anything she set her mind to. She became and expert in creating the external circumstances she had learned were important; wealth, power, success, traveling the world and even a fulfilling personal life.
Still, sitting in a board room with these highly successful men and women, she would feel just like she had done at her 6th year birthday party… everyone is pretending, very few are truly happy.
So life opened up a new path, an inward path, with spiritual masters across the world. Lotta explored them all, growing and learning as she went. She got to play at the top level of this world as well… and yes this was different. Here many truths were spoken; awareness of us creating our reality, carrying our early conditioning, we’re not our human form and many more.
This world was more vibrant, joy and love were present… but still there was dissonance. Still, somehow this world too was dependent on outer circumstances; human beings still seeking their inner state of being in the reflection of the life they now knew how to consciously create.
Eva Charlotte had said many times throughout her years of speaking and teaching in the spiritual world…‘Imagine that when you walk out this door, the world as you know it has changed. Everything that you consider part of your life is gone… everything. Where does that leave you? What do you feel, think, do? Who are you when everything that defines you is gone?’
One day she got to experience that for herself… life as she knew it was gone in an instant. This led her to go deeply inward, to a place beyond the human form, where the outer circumstances were completely irrelevant and every vibrational state of being was available – by choice.
The little 6 year old girl had finally found her answer. She is and always was the happiness she was looking for. She can bring forth her joy, sadness, anger, love or any other vibration at any time… it has nothing to do with what is going on around her.
Are you willing to “loose everything”, in order to feel peace inside?
It does not mean we have to loose it all… it’s the acceptance of was IS, that matters… and for some of us stubborn human beings, it’s hard to reach acceptance without an external experience that is so overwhelming that it feels like there is nothing we can do… and when the mental desire for control is released, there it is… Peace.